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Was online yesterday at 19:34


Male, 34 years, born on 3 June 1990

Not looking for a job

Ulyanovsk, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips


80 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 11 years 9 months

December 2015currently
9 years 5 months
LLC "InterTehStroy"
VET Engineer
- Design of ventilation systems, heating, water supply, sewerage; - Compilation, maintenance of as-built documentation for the installation of the OV, VC, process pipelines (oil pipeline, etc.); - Preparation of commercial proposals for the installation of systems OV, VK (material + work), process pipelines (oil pipeline, etc.); - Drawing up estimates in the "Grand-S Meta" program for the installation of air supply, VC, technological pipelines (oil pipeline, etc.), section EOM, EO, AOV. AVK, - Drawing up KS-2, KS-3, KS-6a, for the installation of OV, VK, process pipelines (oil pipeline, etc.), section EOM, EO, AOV. AVK. Drawing up and checking estimates for all types of work; -Protection to the customer (participation in negotiations). Our customers were foreign plants: - Plant of dry building mixtures OOO “Henkel Rus”, Ulyanovsk; - Plant for the production of automobile tires "Bridgestone Tayer Manufacturing", Ulyanovsk; - Factory for the production of automotive components "Schaffler Manufacturing Rus", Ulyanovsk; - Plant for the production of electrical products "Legrand Group", Ulyanovsk; - Plant for the production of automotive components TAKATA RUS, Ulyanovsk. And also worked with the following customers: - Aviastar-SP aircraft factory, in Ulyanovsk; - Ulyanovsk priboroto-repair plant, Ulyanovsk; - LLC "Confectionery factory" Volzhanka ". - And many others.
July 2015December 2015
6 months
Work under the contract with an individual
OVIK Design Engineer
OB and VK. Making the outgoing flow of clients, processing the incoming flow of clients, searching and maintaining clients, setting up meetings, negotiating, concluding transactions, filling out standard contracts, keeping statistics. Direct execution of orders.
April 2015June 2015
3 months
LLC "Profproekt"
Design engineer OV, VK.
- Designing of the following sections: ОВ (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning), VK (internal water supply and sewage systems), NEC (external water supply and sewerage networks)
June 2014March 2015
10 months
- Equipment selection: sewage pumping stations, fire fighting pumping stations, pressure boosting stations; - drawing up of commercial offers on KNS, NSP; - implementation of the coordination drawings on the CND, the NRS; - implementation of drawings for production at KNS, NSP; - advising customers on technical issues.
August 2013May 2014
10 months
LLC "IS project"
OVIK Design Engineer
- Designing of the following sections: ОВ (Heating, ventilation and air conditioning), VK (internal water supply and sewage systems), NEC (external water supply and sewerage networks)


Skill proficiency levels
Подготовка коммерческих предложений
Документальное сопровождение
Проектная документация
Водоснабжение и канализация
Поиск информации в интернет
Составление смет
Adobe Acrobat
Техническая документация
Чтение чертежей
MS Word
Грамотная речь
Деловая переписка
MS PowerPoint
Пользователь ПК
Работа в команде
Организаторские навыки
Водительское удостоверение категории B

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Initiative, efficient, attentive, responsible, accurate, punctual, disciplined, hardworking. Own programs: AutoCAD, Grand-Esteem, DWG TrueView 2017 - English, MagiCAD, ABBYY FineReader, Acrobat Reader DC, Infix PDF Editor Pro, TeamViewerQS_ru-lta, Aide PDF to DWG Converter, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint , Bitrix24

Higher education (master)

Management, Personnel Management



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

Областное государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Ульяновский Строительный колледж, Ценообразование и сметное дело в строительстве

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter